Monthly Archives: February 2010

The Astrology of Relationships: Fated–the Yod in the Composite Chart

History and Hollywood are littered with famous lovers, people who left behind spouses and families and careers–the devil to take the hindmost—so that they could be together. Usually when the two pair, family and friends are incredulous. Sometimes it is … Continue reading

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Weekly Astrology Forecast: Don’t Get a Hair Cut

Astrology for the Week of February 26 to March 4, 2010 With Venus, the planet of money, beauty and love coming to sit with Uranus in tension aspect to the planet of burdens, Saturn, in the sky there are a … Continue reading

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Weekly Astrology Forecast: The Fated Nature of Our Desires

Week of February 19 to February 25 Our forecast week started Friday with an uncommon configuration of stars in the sky, a 5-pointed star. Throughout the ages the 5-pointed star has been a symbol rich in meaning, signifying the course … Continue reading

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Reader’s Question: Understanding Psychic Abilities Through Astrology

Hello, I’ve read this article about how your zodiac can effect your psychic ability. I dont think I’m psychic but I do know I sense some things that others can not. I was born March 8,1992 at 12:40 p.m. in … Continue reading

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Your Valentine Astrology Guide to Seduction by Zodiac Sign

So you’ve fallen for someone that won’t give you a tumble. You’ve done all the usual things to indicate your interest, engage them in small talk, flick your hair, touch your neck and all the one hundred and one things … Continue reading

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Weekly Astrology Forecast: We Don’t Always Get What We Want, Part 2

Aries—Hanging on to old relationships of any type is going to hinder rather than help you. If you have a hankering to dial up your ex after a night of soul searching via the help of the local pub, think … Continue reading

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Weekly Forecast: We Don’t Always Get What We Want

When I was first learning astrology, I was introduced to a system, channeled by a man named Frank Wharton, of past life symbols generated through the birth chart. Different configurations marked a lifetime or a series of lifetimes, the energies … Continue reading

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Yearly Forecast 2010: Blame Mars Retrograde

My latest whipping boy is Mars Retrograde who is stubbornly opposing my Sun. I blame the planet of action for every delayed thing in my life right about now. Oh some things are not so bad, like waiting for the … Continue reading

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