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ASC’s popular New Age Fairs moved to a new location! We are now at the Pitkin Community Center, 30 Greenfield St., Wethersfield.
Fair hours are 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Our New Age Fairs feature readings from vetted practitioners at $25 for 20 minutes for your choice of readings, such as Angel cards, tarot, psychic, medium, intuitive, runes, Astro Dice, and astrology!
We also have vendors selling a wide range of wares and services (sometimes including aura photography) and wellness practitioners doing reflexology, massage, Reiki, and additional modalities. This is the perfect opportunity to find perfect holiday gifts for loved ones.
There are typically four free presentations covering various New Age topics. A Basics of Astrology class is offered for $10.
Admission is free. Free parking is available behind the building, the street, and the fire station.
Clink on this link for more information.
Category Archives: Skeptics
#Astrology and the Skeptics: When a Skeptic Jumps on My Quora Post
Transcript of a Quora discussion with a physicist: (I’m not erasing his name. He posted on Quora using his name connected to his profile.) This physicist jumped in on one of my astrology articles on Quora. Ilkka Vuorio · 23h … Continue reading
#Astrology & The #Skeptics: #TheOrville Misfires.
(Astrology Explored) Seth MacFarlane misfires across the bow of astrology in January 24, 2019 episode “All the World’s a Birthday Cake.” Ed Mercer and crew make first contact with a pre-spaceflight society who SETI like, zapped an invitation for any … Continue reading
#Astrology Pro Tip: There Is No Thirteenth Zodiac Sign
(Astrology Explored) Oh, god. What do we have to do to get it through peoples heads? I opened my Quora feed this morning to find this: Now that NASA has re-arranged the zodiac signs, should I go by the ancient … Continue reading
Astrology and Skeptics: When An Opinion Is Not A Fact
(Astrology Explored) It started innocently enough with a person asking an astrologer to read his palm. I declined to do this, but a skeptic weighed in with this response: My advice is that you do not attach any significance whatsoever … Continue reading
Skeptics, Astrology and Robert Currey
(Astrology Explored) When Robert Currey asked if he could use my avatar for the image of quintessential astrologer looking to mount skeptics’ challenges to astrology, I was tickled pink. Robert Currey, the proprietor of Equinox Astrology, has been carefully taking … Continue reading
Astrology and the Skeptics: The Evidence of Things Unseen
(Astrology Explored) My friend Matthew Currie recently challenged the good people at the James Randi Educational Foundation to provide citations for their claims in their instructional booklet “Astrology: Science or Superstition”. In support of Matthew’s challenge I’m presenting the comment … Continue reading
The Probability of Predictions: Will and Kate So Far
(Astrology Explored) As a front line fighter in the skeptic’s wars against superstition, the paranormal and the supernatural, Michael Shermer has a whole line of pat answers to why people believe in what he and his fellows believe irrational. In … Continue reading
Atheists, Humanists and Astrology: What You Should Know
(Astrology Explored) One of the most marvelous things about this country is that anyone is can practice or not practice religion. Whatever your belief or lack thereof about God, or a higher power, does not prevent you from enjoying the … Continue reading
Astrology and the Skeptics: Debunkers Tool of a Religious Agenda?
Wearing the guise of science one organization mounts attacks on paranormal subjects from Big Foot to psychic John Edwards. Included in their attacks is a quite well orchestrated war on astrology conducted with questionable tactics. These tactics include funding “studies” … Continue reading
Wikipedia’s War Against Astrology: Jimmy Wales–Are You Listening?
(Astrology Explored) Recently, a small group of “astrology friendly” people have been attempting to edit the section on astrology in Wikipedia where in the current version is slanted and full of inaccuracies. Time and again, this group has been batted … Continue reading