Tag Archives: inconjunct

The Astrology of Tragedies: The Newtown, CT Elementary School Shooting

(Astrology Explored) For much of the day the details of the horror of what happened at a small town elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut was obscured by a police lockdown of information. Parents were told to wait by their phones … Continue reading

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The Astrology of Aspects–The Age of Aquarius and the Transiting Yod in Your Chart

We see the Age of Aquarius all around us. Advances in technology and communication make it possible to reach the other side of the world in an instant—from our “smart” phones. True to the Aquarian ideals of honesty, concepts like … Continue reading

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Weekly Astrology Forecast: Under The Influence

Astrology for the Week of April 2 thought April 8 “Should of , would of, could of” is the theme this week as Friday’s chart features a grand assortment of the stress aspect, the inconjunct, thrown like so many pick … Continue reading

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The Astrology of Relationships: Fated–the Yod in the Composite Chart

History and Hollywood are littered with famous lovers, people who left behind spouses and families and careers–the devil to take the hindmost—so that they could be together. Usually when the two pair, family and friends are incredulous. Sometimes it is … Continue reading

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The Astrology of the Fort Hood Killings: The Enemy Among Us?

In a shocking and inexplicable incident that claimed the lives of 13 and threatens to claim some the lives of 38 others wounded, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, a U. S. Army psychiatrist, opened fire on his fellow soldiers. The November … Continue reading

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