ASC Workshop: An Overview of Primary Directions (Hellenistic)

Anthony Lewis

This Saturday, March 18, 2023, Anthony Lewis is giving a Zoom lecture on Primary Directions, and I’m psyched. Anthony is an absolutely top-notch astrologer we can all learn from. And since this is a zoom lecture, no matter where you are, you can attend, too.

Just to show you how absolutely fabulous Anthony is with Primary Directions, here an article he wrote explanation how he determined my birth time (I had not given it to him though, of course, I knew it)

So, yes. Come and learn something new about this ancient art.


This workshop will review the basic concepts which underlie the use of primary directions in Western astrology, beginning with the Hellenistic period up to modern times, \and will illustrate these ideas with case examples. The birth chart contains the natal promise of the individual. Primary directions help to pinpoint periods of life during which the natal promise will manifest. After the birth of the native, the Earth continues to rotate on its axis – the so-called primary motion of the sky. Ptolemy symbolically equated one degree of rotation, measured on the Equator, with one year of life. During periods when natal planets or chart points rotate to positions held by other points in the birth chart, events are expected to occur in the life of the native. This form of directing by primary motion was a major predictive and chart rectification technique at least until the time of Lilly and Morinus in the 17th Century. Modern astrologers have tended to shy away from primary directions because of their reliance on spherical trigonometry, which makes them a bit harder to calculate. Modern astrology software, however, makes them again accessible, and primary directions remain a powerful tool which belongs in the armamentarium of all predictive astrologers.


Anthony Louis is a psychiatrist who has been studying astrology since his early teens. His longstanding interest in the history of the divinatory arts has led him to lecture internationally and publish numerous articles and books on astrology, tarot, and other forms of divination. His text on horary astrology first appeared in 1991 and was revised and reissued in 1996. His most recent book on finding lost objects with horary was published in 2021. He is also the best-selling author of ‘Tarot Plain and Simple’ which has over 150,000 copies in print. Anthony is a member of the Astrological Society of Connecticut and he posts a blog on astrology and tarot at

$40.00 for Members $50.00 for Non-Members

You can sign up for the workshop here!

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