In mundane astrology, the astrology of places and events, astrologers attempt to pinpoint the location and source of likely problems. We know that certain regions of this country are likely to suffer from weather problems such as mudslides and wildfires in California, severe winter storms in the Northeast. “When”, “where”, and “how severe” are important questions that occupy a mundane astrologer.
If we look at an Astro*Carto*Graphy map of the United States, for May 22, 2011, set for our nation’s capital we see that most of the area that is called Tornado Alley, is bounded by Neptune on the right and Mercury on the left. Thus the elements of a tornado, water (Neptune in Pisces) and air (Mercury which is ruled by air sign Gemini) bound either side of this sensitive area. If you look at the chart of NOAA chart of the United States, you will see that the vast majority of the tornados that occurred on this date are within those boundaries.
But that is not enough to determine that tornadoes are more likely here. To gauge the severity of the storm what is necessary is to construct a chart of a location in question. Since the United States is a large area, it would be incumbent upon local astrologers to check out the location charts of the city and towns in which they live.
Prominent in the natal chart of Joplin, Missouri is a Venus Pluto conjunction what is in challenge aspect to Mars. The planets in the sky (transits) rides that conjunction is Mercury, Mars and Vemus in Taurus But the kicker was Moon in Aquarius, the planet of the unexpected, that formed a T-Square to these points.
The Pluto/Venus conjunction in the natal chart symbolizes poignantly the loss of life and valuable resources by the attack of this violent twister. Pluto represents transformations of all types and certainly this applies to Joplin, Missouri.
Tornado map generated by NOAA.
Chart information for Joplin, Missouri taken from Wikipedia
OMG!! This sounds quite scary to me. I just hope this Astrology of Disasters prove to be wrong. Thanks for passing this along here..!!