(Astrology Explored) Relationship astrology is a vast field with a multitude of techniques that seem to compete but actually compliment each other. One of these cases is the difference between the composite chart and the Davison relationship chart.

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The composite chart takes the middle point or more correctly the midpoints between each zodiac aspect for the charts of two people. Midpoints between planets in a birth chart are said to be sensitive points. When one of the planets in solar system passes over or transits the midpoint, both the areas of life represented by those two planets are affected. In a relationship which represents the joining of lives a third entity is created, that of the relationship itself. Taking the midpoints of two individual charts and putting them into it’s own zodiac wheel displays the energies of the relationship, what it is for and how the individuals in the relationship react.
The other type of relationship chart, the Davison char takes the actual date and the location that is at the exact middle between the birthdates and birthplaces of the two people.

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Depending on the ages and the birthplaces of the two people, the composite and relationship charts are either very similar or not so similar. For instance lets look at the charts of Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver two people born thousands of miles and 12 years apart. In the relationship chart, Jupiter and the Moon sit in the tenth house of that chart, showing the high profile nature of the couple. In the composite chart of the couple however, the Moon is placed alongside of Neptune in Libra, a very romantic placement.. The ascendant and descendant are different, with homey Cancer on the rising sign of the Relationship chart and social Gemini on rising sign of the composite. It is as if the Relationship chart shows the public face of the couple, while the composite chart shows the inner nature of the relationship.

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For Will and Kate, everyone’s favorite couple at the moment, because they were born within a year of each other and so close to each geographically, the composite chart and the relationship chart are nearly identical. The only difference is that in the composite chart, Venus is in Aries, next to Mercury and the Sun, and in the relationship chart, Venus is in the second house in the sign of Aquarius. Surely Kate will be come to be known as a resource and a treasure to the English people, traditional meanings of the second house, as her public role expands with her marriage to William. In private though, as the composite chart shows with that Venus sitting so close to that royal Sun, she always will be William’s love.
