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ASC’s popular New Age Fairs moved to a new location! We are now at the Pitkin Community Center, 30 Greenfield St., Wethersfield.
Fair hours are 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Our New Age Fairs feature readings from vetted practitioners at $25 for 20 minutes for your choice of readings, such as Angel cards, tarot, psychic, medium, intuitive, runes, Astro Dice, and astrology!
We also have vendors selling a wide range of wares and services (sometimes including aura photography) and wellness practitioners doing reflexology, massage, Reiki, and additional modalities. This is the perfect opportunity to find perfect holiday gifts for loved ones.
There are typically four free presentations covering various New Age topics. A Basics of Astrology class is offered for $10.
Admission is free. Free parking is available behind the building, the street, and the fire station.
Clink on this link for more information.
Monthly Archives: April 2012
The Astrology of Accidents: Mars Says “Let’s Do It Again!”
(Astrology Explored) Regular readers are familiar with my thread “Tales of Mercury Retrograde” in which I recount the various and often funny tales of what happens when the planet closest to the sun temporarily loses its lead position to the … Continue reading
Astrology and the Earth Grand Trine: Nuclear Powered You
(Astrology Explored) My sister asked me what her chart says about what she should be doing. My response was immediate. “What can’t you do? You’ve got Pluto and Mars supporting your Sun. You can do anything you want!” Tied together … Continue reading
Astrology and the News: Stupid Criminal (& Clone) Stories
(Astrology Explored)–From the Middletown Press Police Blotter ILLEGAL OPERATION UNDER SUSPENSION, IMPROPER USE MARKER PLATE, OPERATION UNREGISTERED MOTOR VEHICLE, FAILURE TO WEAR SAFETY BELT — On April 19 at 6:58 p.m., Sansal Gokcek, 23, of Century Avenue, Bridgeport, was seen … Continue reading
Astrology and History: The Gutenberg Bible–Redeeming Heaven
(Astrology Explored) Uranus/Pluto Conjunction–Breaking the Vessel part 3 Its purchase price was 30 florins, which was three times the yearly salary of the average worker. In today’s dollars, it sold at about $95,000, more than a car, less than a … Continue reading
Astrology and History–The Black Death As A Game Changer
(Astrology Explored) Uranus/Pluto Conjunction–Breaking the Vessel, part 2–The study of history can quickly become the study of wealth distribution. We commonly think that the ownership of land denotes wealth. However, land, in and of itself does not generate wealth, what … Continue reading
Astrology and History: Uranus/Pluto Conjunction–Breaking the Vessel, part 1
(Astrology Explored) Michael Erlewine wrote on his FB page his perception that the use of acid in the ‘60’s changed society: The main lesson of LSD (and I have discussed this with many folks over the years) is that this … Continue reading
Astrology and the Apocalypse: Did the Maya Really Predict the End of the World?
(Astrology Explored) A recent TD Ameritrade commercials shows a wheels within wheels graphic representative of the Mayan calendar with the following ominious voice over: “If you believe the Mayan calendar on December 21 polar shifts will reverse the earth’s gravitational … Continue reading
Astrology and Science: Scientific Determinism’s Dangerous Ground
(Astrology Explored) Since the Age of Reason, rationalists like the Humanists have claimed that Astrology is superstition, the fluff and nonsense of irrational minds. Yet the closer we get to nailing down the nature of the Universe, the harder it … Continue reading
Astrology and Astronomy: Why Astrology Needs to be Taught in the Schools
(Astrology Explored)–Note–this is a reprint a a previously posted article. An observation by a British astronomer points to the need to teach astrology in the schools if only as a check and balance for the pronouncements of some astronomers. On … Continue reading