Tag Archives: Obama

The Astrology of National Elections: Obama, Romney and Void of Course Moon

(Astrology Explored) Some astrologers are predicting a Romney victory in today’s election by virtue of the fact that he was officially nominated when the moon was not Void of Course (VOC) while Obama’s nomination came during a VOC moon. A … Continue reading

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The Astrology of the State of the Union Address: President Speaks to US Chart Hotspots

His first volley in his re-election bid, President Obama, in his 2012 State of the Union speech, spoke directly to issues that concern the American public at large. The speech at around 9:00 PM EST on January 24, 2012, the … Continue reading

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Political Astrology: We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Post

(Astrology Explored) We interrupt our regularly scheduled posts on ancient Christmas traditions to bring you speculations on the U.S Political scene and President Barack Obama. President Obama’s grand slam victory at getting key points of his agenda passed in the … Continue reading

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