The Sun is in Sagittarius, Mars is in Leo and everyone is rushing around trying to tie up holiday and non-holiday issues. “Time is of the essence” cites one mailing I received yesterday, and indeed it it is. So in the spirit of that, here is a very, very quick weekly forecast, before this astrologer rushes off to fulfill the latest task on my daily 2002 Things To Do List.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius—The planet of actions, Mars, continues to spur you in frenetic spurts of activity. Though you love a fast pace, you must take care to keep within the speed limits, both on the road and within your own circle of friends.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn—Maybe you are expecting too much of yourself. You are feeling you can not do everything you should, not having the resources at hand to lavish on your nearest and dearest. Everyone is having a difficult time financially and there is only so much to go around.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius—You push yourselves to the limit trying to accomplish the enormous crush of responsibilities that have suddenly fallen into your lap. It seems that all you can do is whip out your secret weapon the ability to create plans B and C at a drop of the hat. Carry a flash drive, Tylenol and some Kleenex. You’ll need them.
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces—You better not shout, you better not cry, you better not pout, I’m telling you why. No one’s listening! Everyone is far too busy to deal with your holiday angst, so get over it. Geez, I’m sorry. Please stop crying.
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