Weekly Astrology Forecast: The Cardinal Grand Cross

(Astrology Explored)–Astrology for the Week of July 30 to August 6

The long awaited Grand Cross in Cardinal signs forms at the end of our forecast week. Jupiter/Uranus, Pluto and Saturn are the heavy hitters involved. Uranus and Saturn are still in tension aspect. Saturn is in challenge aspect to Pluto with Pluto in challenge aspect to Uranus. Think of this. Uranus opposite Saturn works to break down structures. Certainly we’ve all seen this as the economy has melted away. Pluto is about transformation. In Pluto’s process, things or thoughts about yourself are stripped away, making way for a new way of being.

This Grand Cross starts in an out of sign Moon in Gemini, representing two different ways to look at the situation. A Gemini Moon is about communication, often without processing the emotional content. That comes later. The Moon moves in the cardinal zodiac sign of Cancer where it moves until it hits the South Node of the Moon in the same zodiac sign. The south node represents what we have done before. Some people assign fate or karma to this mathematical point. It actually does sum up the past very well. Whatever happens will result from actions that have already happened. In the cardinal mode of expression, it will happen very quickly.

What is caught up in this Grand Cross is the relationship axis, Aries and Libra, and axis of material security, Cancer/Capricorn. If you find yourself having to make a decision between the career and family, this is only natural. On the national level, our leaders will have to decide what is in our best interests, our relationship with the world, or the people of the nation. Whatever is decided, what action is taken will transform the nature of this country for many years to come.

Aries—Hit the road Jack. Or at least that is how you feel. You’ve had it with useless people and situations. The question is—where will you go now?

Taurus—If you’ve been ignoring a health issue, now is the time to address it. Something needs to be healed and the good doctor can help you.

Gemini—Don’t waste your breath trying to smooth things over. People are only interested in their own point of view.

Cancer—While larger forces make havoc of your life, it is the relationships you have with younger people that provide a balm for your soul.

Leo—Take advantage of social situations to make improvements in your life. You are especially appealing to both genders and all ages right now.

Virgo—You have the ability right now to sway loved ones to make positive changes if you so choose. Appeal to their heart, not their head.

Libra—You are under pressure to change your level of commitment to certain people. Since Libra hates making these kinds of decisions, this week may be rather stressful for you.

Scorpio—You may be faced with a situation that requires that you change your attitude about certain people in your life. You can’t keep cutting people off because you don’t like something they do. You do plenty other people don’t like and they still like you anyway. Understand?

Sagittarius—Your high-handed views of ethics and morality seem pretty funny to people that know you, considering crazy stuff that you do. It is best not to stand on your soapbox right now.

Capricorn—You are either feeling sadness at recent separations or feeling the stress of trying to maintain certain relationships. Though Capricorn, once committed is in for the long haul it really is OK to expect that others hold up their end of the bargain.

Aquarius—You aren’t alone in your problems and shouldn’t think that you are. Discuss issues with people who can see the forest for the trees.

Pisces—You are feeling that people don’t understand you, but the reality is that you are not seeing issues clearly. Is this a surprise, Pisces? Try putting on your listening ears.

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One Response to Weekly Astrology Forecast: The Cardinal Grand Cross

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