An eclipse ignites an area of sensitivity a natal chart for at least six months. For the United States this eclipse moon is opposite the US natal moon in Aquarius. But even more pressing the eclipse moon is part of Yod, called the Finger of God, with transiting Chiron, which I call “the planet of something wrong” and Pluto, who most astrologers calls the planet of transformation.
Chiron and Pluto forces their energy up the lines of their respective inconjuncts to the eclipse moon fixing it in place and forcing the chart native to deal with this issue.
Because the energy of the Yod is explosively intense, the events that arise out of the Yod feels destined or fated.
Moon in Aquarius concerns itself with humanitarian issues and the rights of the public at large. This eclipse moon lands in the ninth house of legal issues. So we are going to see a lot of back and forth about the rights of the people.
Furthermore, the United States will engage in discussions about the rights of “foreign” people. I say this because the modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, and the US natal Uranus sits on the cusp of the seventh house of foreign affairs and trade, foreign policies, the law and interestingly enough countersuits. The seventh house can also be “enemies of the state,” so expect that rhetoric too.
Donald Trump instigates this back and forth. His Mars in Leo conjoins the eclipse moon in the US Sibly Chart.
For Trump personally this is going to be a difficult time. Sakoian and Acker say:
Anger and loss of temper over petty annoyances are common to this transit. Family quarrels and domestic and business aggravation are possible.
Family financial needs motivate the individual’s business and professional ambitions during this period… This is not a favorable time for dealing with women. Salesmen or aggressive people may be a source of annoyance to the individual. In general it is important to exercise control over the emotions and, at the same time, remain sensitive to the feelings of others. Emotional upsets can cause indigestion during this transit.
With transiting Pluto inconjunct Trump’s Mars we can expect more, if not an increase of, the same out of control behavior we’ve seen in the first days of Trumps administration. Should he pursue an appeal against the recent ruling against his travel ban, it will not go well for him. The resulting fight will only reveal his deficits being able to govern effectively with the powers that Congress gives and the Judiciary oversees. The Ninth Circuit court could not have said it more strongly. There is no action that the President takes that is unreviewable. The President or the Congress can make no law or take action that is unconstitutional.
With both Pluto and Chiron literally dancing around his Mars he may experience a loss of energy and vitality, as well as problems with his feet and gastrointestinal tract that go beyond indigestion. There’s more, but I won’t go into them. All these things will be kept secret from the American public, of course. But whatever happens remember that this Pluto is closing in on his Mars. The closer it comes in aspect his problems will intensify.
You can’t count him out. He won a presidency will Saturn was transiting his natal moon. But a Saturn-Moon conjunction is restrictive and often stresses out an individual to the point of depression. But he also has Mercury in Cancer. He will hold his position like a dog with a bone. So we will see how this all shakes out.
As for us personal look to the place where 12 degrees Aquarius to 2 degrees Virgo is in your chart. (I use wide orbs, other astrologers may not) This is the place illuminated in your chart, where you will feel the events ruled by these houses fell destined to happen. Read for the area where Leo resides.
You can get a simple list of your planetary positions and house cusps here.
Where does this eclipse fall in your chart?
Eclipse Moon falls in your first house—You will be concerned with your appearance. This may manifest as a self-improvement program which could include surgeries.
Eclipse Moon in your second house—Your financial situation needs a serious review. Holes in your savings and investment strategies become apparent. You may have to pay a tax bill you didn’t expect.
Eclipse Moon in your third house—the third house is a mixed bag, containing people and things such as your siblings, books, communication devices, short trips and short courses of study. Expect changes with your siblings or legal summons.
Eclipse Moon in your fourth house—Changes are due regarding your parents or your home. These may be sudden and or shocking. Friends or institutions you rely on for support may not be helpful.
Eclipse Moon in your fifth house—Love affairs, creative endeavors and your children are the focus in your life for the next six months. You obsess over one or all of these issues. Seek good counsel to help you resolve issues of which you can’t let go.
Eclipse Moon in your sixth house—People you count on, co-workers, health care professionals, employees have their own ideas of what they should do. You may experience the loss of trusted employee, or unfortunately, a family pet. Get checkups for you, your family and your animals.
Eclipse Moon in your seventh house—Power and control issues dominate relationship issues. Problems with foreign people or your grand parents may crop up. Be as generous as possible to minimize your contribution to the situation.
Eclipse Moon in your eighth house—Other peoples resources are an important theme. Money you feel should come to you is held up in red tape. Appeals to authority are slow and give back less than expected. Pay all your taxes and insurance monies to forestall future problems.
Eclipse Moon in your ninth house—Expect issues with legal authorities, (even if it just a parking ticket,) higher education, publishing and out of country travel. Check legalities before you make a move. If neeed, hire a good laywer.
Eclipse Moon in your tenth house-You may be forced into an expanded leadership role which you may not want. Coping with the problems caused by your predecessors will be an uphill battle. Be persistent.
Eclipse Moon in your eleventh house—Friends and institutions may be resistant to you taking a leadership role. Trying to exert political influence could backfire on you. This is the time to tread and speak softly.
Eclipse Moon in your twelfth house—This can be a very psychic time for you or you may find yourself involved with healing institutions. Secrets play a big part in your life now. How you handle them will determine your future success.
Image published under a Creative Commons license from Wikimedia Commons.
USA Trump Eclipse chart by Starrynight Graphix.