(Astrology Explored)–Astrology for the week of Aug. 20, through Aug. 26
This week Mercury goes retrograde, that period when it appears to be traveling backward in its orbit. When Mercury is in this state, there are usually a whole bunch of problems involving any sort of communication. The usual injunctions are “don’t sign, don’t buy” though considering the current state of the economy not much of that is happening anyway. Things break down. Repairs are lengthy and expensive. Children cry. The sky falls. Dogs and cats play together. It gets ugly.
On the other hand, Mercury retrograde can be an especially productive time for those long overdue cleaning projects, the attic, the garage, the basement. You can finally clean up that mess in your home office and clean closets and cupboards. Overdue writing projects can be completed. You can finish what you started. Doing that you feel oh so much better about yourself.
Think of it as “fall cleaning” for the soul. It’s better than a retreat to an ashram, I tell ‘ya.
Happy Mercury retrograde
Aries – Change is difficult, Ram, especially since these changes are forcing you to pay attention to the needs of others. This is not the right time to demand anything from anyone, especially a love interest that tickles your fancy.
Taurus – The week has you taking care of practical concerns nicely, though you may have to check the details a few times to make sure everyone stays on track. Make sure alternate plans are in place.
Gemini – You may feel like life right now is like a land mine field. Everything keeps blowing up around you. Duck for cover, and lay low. There isn’t much you can add to the discussion.
Cancer – A young person or business associate is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Please don’t make the mistake of believing everything you hear, especially the stuff that sounds especially good.
Leo – You are feeling quite stressed and this is taking a toll on your health. For your own good get that physical scheduled, and make sure your doctor checks you from head to toe. And get some rest too!
Virgo – Mercury in your sign starts a three week long period of appearing to travel back ward in its orbit. You may not see issues clearly, or there may be frequent miscommunications. Don’t take it personally and don’t make the mistake of blaming other people. Its just how the Universe is working these days.
Libra – Recently you’ve gotten past the point of being swept off your feet and actually have made a decision on who to love. Now Mars and Venus is treating you to some richly deserved and heady romance. Enjoy it while it lasts. Otherwise don’t overextend yourself financially. That would be a disaster.
Scorpio — As stressed as you are you manage to keep relationships on a even keel, that is until the beginning of the week, when the moon in Aquarius triggers erratic behavior on the part of someone close. Keep a lid on things Scorp, since not everyone shares your “buttoned down” view of the world, and they are not likely to dance to your drum beat.
Sagittarius – Venus and Mars in the relationship oriented sign of Libra snuggles up closer to your inner essence, giving rise to all manner of thoughts of romantic adventures. Don’t be surprised however, when the object of your affections takes things a little more seriously than you. There will be more than one Archer roped in to a life a domestic bliss this week!
Capricorn – Up to now you haven’t been able to see the forest for the trees. Midweek, however, you can a powerful ally whose keen analytical insight gives you good information to makes key decisions.
Aquarius – Lady Luck shines on you in matters of love and money. You have an innate sense of how to steer relationships to profit everyone. Don’t let naysayers put a damper on your plans. You know how to make diverse elements work together.
Pisces – Though normally on target with intuitive impressions, this week you shoot a bit off the mark. I’d say don’t take chances on love or money, but in your case, you aren’t even sure where to start. Wait out the current situation until you are more clear as to what to do. Don’t take criticism to heart.