Category Archives: Politics & Other Thuggery

The Astrology of the 2012 Presidential Race: Paul Ryan’s Achilles Heel

(Astrology Explored) Has Paul Ryan caught a case of Romney’s hoof-in-mouth disease? Bad enough that the presidential contender believes 47% of Americans are lazy slackers only looking for a government handout, now vice-president candidate Ryan is caught on camera implying … Continue reading

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MItt Romney’s Potential Vs. Actualization in His Birth Chart

(Astrology Explored) Would you say that a political candidate who favors tax cut after tax cut for the richest 5% of the population but but whose tax plans can only raise taxes for the rest has his pulse on “We … Continue reading

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Astrology, Politics and the Religious Right: Vagina Ideologues

(Astrology Explored) Another elected demi-god of the the religious right throws a down a gauntlet to the majority of American women by denying women a right to speak on a house committee hearing on birth control. This morning, Democrats tore … Continue reading

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The Astrology of Politics: The Susan G. Komen Public Relations Disaster

(Astrology Explored) Pro-lifers defend it, Pro-Choicers bash it, but it is clear that the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation’s decision to end funding to Planned Parenthood has produced a backlash has colored the public’s perceptions of a once lauded … Continue reading

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