(Astrology Explored)

Cancer—A burst of energy prompts you to changes in what you believe what is wrong with your life. This uncharacteristic behavior is due to the slow burn of the planet of transformation, Pluto for the past few years. If you haven’t lost your possession you lost a certain sense of self that you now must rectify. The planet of action, Mars, connects powerfully to fuel your need to change.
Leo—New friends and possibly lovers upset the status quo. There is an element of destiny that plays out in the scenes of your life. You feel that the world is yours to command and others affirm this by giving you what you want when you ask. Think rather than react. People have information they are hiding that you would do well to seek. Think rather than react.
Virgo—It is your highest calling to take care of others, Virgo. But when will you realize that you must take care of yourself. This month the burdens you’ve assumed will remind you of just that. You’ll find that priorities clash for attention. You may have a sick child at home and a parent that needs your care. However these scenes play out you’ll be stretched thin. Make a choice.
Libra—Good friends and loved ones help you to navigate a difficult month. Events conspire to bring pressure to bear to make changes in your life. Libra likes the status quo, so even small changes are fraught with danger for you. Fortunately for you a spouse or parent provides a steadying hand and some good counsel. Step forward bravely to new chapter in your life.
Scorpio—The holidays are long over but you find your naughty and nice side this month. Revved up with energy with Mars in your sign you have the potential to reach out and grab what you want. But you are such a powerhouse you forget your own strength. You’ll have to dial things down a notch or too so you can communicate with us mere mortals.
Sagittarius—The Archer is into examining broad philosophies but you aren’t so good at examining what’s going on in your own head. The planets indicate you are ignoring the issues that are cause problems for you. You can’t see the forest for the trees and you are apt to cut and run rather than solve the dilemma. Use your high ideals to see to the heart of the problem.
Capricorn—Money matters come to the forefront. The luck of the draw increases your cash flow, but Murphy’s Law sends it flying from your hands just as fast. The reason is that you do not have all the facts to make profitable decisions. Don’t rush into new investments and dig deep for information before you buy new investments. Do look into real estate for long-term gains.
Aquarius—During your birthday month you usually like to cut loose. But the influences this birthday month are far different than in other years. Buried resentments and secrets manifest causing rancor between you and others. It is not a comfortable situation. Your two saving graces are your quick wit and ability to move quickly out of harm’s way. Trust your intuition.
Pisces—Your work is sent back to the drawing board. While your vision is broad, your bosses look for more practical and concrete ideas to put into play. Listen to trusted friends and advisors who have their feet planted solidly in terra firma than you. It’s not an assault on your artistic ideas to take critique and work with it. P.S.—An older lover can make your nights sizzle.
Artwork by Starry Night Graphics.