(Astrology Explored) In my mailbox today a reader sent this:
I am a Libra, and have been undergoing a lot of difficulty over the past three years as you know. I was hoping you could explain something to me.
As I understand it, Saturn only visits signs for two years, but we Libras had to have it for three. That doesn’t seem fair.Mostly what I want to say is the fact that what Saturn did to me was make me lose my job. I noticed things going south back in October 2009 though at the time I didn’t know why. I was later laid off due to budgetary reasons in a mass company layoff in December 2010. I still don’t have a new job even though Saturn supposedly left in October 2012 and it’s January 2013. But now it’s in my financial house. So the one area of my life, which is my income, that Saturn has completely destroyed while it was in Libra, will now continue to suffer for yet another three years because even though it has “left”, it managed to stay in the one and only area where I actually need relief. So I would really like to know if you can offer any explanation or hope, to those Libras that will now have to suffer this miserable planet devastating their lives for a total of 6 years. Not 2, not even 3, but 6. Because I am my only source of income and am currently on unemployment. I am about to lose everything. In October things were supposed to get better but they are not, due to the fact that Saturn is staying with me in the one area where I needed it to get the hell out.
I’m sure there are other Libras that have suffered Saturn’s influence in terms of finances and employment, and for those of us that have, we now have to continue to endure this nightmare for another three years. So our suffering didn’t end in October 2012, but will continue for a total of six years. I suffered great financial loss already for three years and now I find out that this will continue for another three years until 2015. Where’s MY relief from this damned planet?
The short answer is this. When you learn Saturn’s lesson.
Saturn is not something you wait out until the ride is over. None of the planets are like that, except maybe the moon, where you can schedule your monthly mental health days.
Now wait. Saturn doesn’t want to punish you. Really. Saturn is like your mom and dad who push you to do things because it’s good for you, not necessarily because you want to do it.
According to Monique Pommier about Saturn in Libra:
it is a key participant in the dawn of dynamic selfhood. On the other hand, the self-expression or the creative will of the exalted Sun (Sun in AR) calls for the balancing and adjusting function of Saturn (LI).
Now most of us adore Libras. You’re fun and social and the life of the party. But being one of the two Venus ruled signs you are a little spoiled. You expect things and people to fall into your lap just as you wish it.
Saturn is your wake-up call.
And once you realize that Saturn is here to help you, you’ll like it. Or rather you’ll like the sense of balance and grounding you’ll get from learning its lessons. You’re a Libra. You live for balance.
Where Saturn is in the chart is where you need to do some work. If Saturn is going through your second house, then its an excellent time to look at your finances and do some serious planning (Saturn is planning). What are your resources, what kind of help can you get?
Saturn is not interested in stripping you of everything you have. Pluto does that. Saturn wants you to build on foundations. If your financial house is on shaky foundations, then you need to build a new house.
Saturn in the second can actually bring you a job. It may not be a job you like, or you have to work harder than you like, but you can have a job. You might have turned down an offer or two because they don’t quite come up to your standards. Maybe you should rethink that.
So all in all it sounds like you have some work to do. Things won’t get better until you do. Even if you managed to hunker down and wait for the worst to pass, you find you’ll be dealing the with results of not doing the work on your problems for years to come. So please stop treating Saturn as the devil to beat back. He is only here to help.
And by the way it wasn’t Saturn that lost you your job. It was Uranus.