Professional astrologer and lecturer Gloria Star will explore the nature of the eclipses at her lecture Darkness and Light: The Influence of Eclipses February 17, 2011, 7:00 PM at the Astrological Society of Connecticut.

Gloria Star lectures at the Astrological Society of Connecticut
Eclipses command the attention of astrologers and the public alike. Regarded as evil omens in ancient times, our understanding of eclipses has grown to include their influences on different parts of our lives. Like bookmarks, eclipses “time stamps” the configuration of the position of the planets at the time of the eclipse revealing issues that demand our attention.
Gloria will bring to life the meaning of eclipses explaining Saros Cycles, the Prenatal Eclipse, Nodal Returns, and more. Find out how and when eclipses are more relevant to your own life, and when the eclipses are more like watching a movie.
Gloria Star is a nationally and internationally recognized professional astrologer. She currently writes Astrology News, a regular feature column for The Mountain Astrologer. A Certified Astrological Professional (CAP) through the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), she has a national and international clientele and regularly lectures within the USA and abroad. Her website is
The Astrological Society of Connecticut is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization; one of the largest and most active local astrological organizations in the United States, it is dedicated to educating people interested in astrology, sponsoring lectures, workshops, fund-raising fairs, and social activities.
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