The Solstice Full Moon–Eclipse Forecast

Horoscope of Solstice EclipseYesterday we looked at the symbolism of the next lunar eclipse falling on the winter solstice, an astronomically rare event. Today we will look at where this eclipse will focus your energies for the next six months.

Where does this eclipse fall in your chart? To do this you will need a copy of your chart which you can get from Astrodienst and find out which doorway the zodiac sign Gemini sits on. This is the house that will be activated during the eclipse period.

Eclipse Moon falls in your first house—Your relationship with your mother is examined as it ties to your sense of self worth. There is some idea or image of your mother of which you need to let go. In some manner this idea you have of your mom has influenced your intimate relationships and not always for the better. It is time to reorder your thinking in this area.

Eclipse Moon in your second house—You need to free up your financial future. You are restless with the state of affairs concerning your finances and you feel other people hold the cards. Freeing up your future involves letting go of what you think holds your life secure. Remember that when one door closes it is only so that another can open for you.

Eclipse Moon in your third house—the third house is a mixed bag, containing people and things such as your siblings, books, communication devices, short trips and short courses of study. Just as mutable as its ruling sign, the third house can serve up some or all of these elements in your life. You could for instance take a short trip to visit a brother or sister. You could be traveling to take classes. Whatever it is, you’ve been putting it off. Now is the time to get off the stick.

Eclipse Moon in your fourth house—Changes are due regarding your parents or your home. For those of all with older parents, this may be the time you are forced to make different arrangements for their care. Or you face some decision on how to settle a legal matter regarding your home. Be prepared. Thing may not turn out as you expect.

Eclipse Moon in your fifth house—Love affairs, creative endeavors and your children are the focus in your life for the next six months. It is easy to go overboard in any area, are you wrestle with issues around the things that are supposed to make you happy, but leave you disappointed. It would be quicker and simpler to let go of any expectations, but are you going to do that?

Eclipse Moon in your sixth house—People you count on, co-workers, health care professionals, employees are curiously absent their support and even their presence. Maybe they have their own health care issues but the upshot is you are forced to scramble to cover these labor shortages. You must learn not to stress over what you can’t control.

Eclipse Moon in your seventh house—Problems with communications upset relationship and partnership issues. Your partner wants more control and you want things the way they used to be. If this is describing your relationship with your spouse this might be the time to seek out couples counseling. Things must change but at least with counseling you can work on a way to do it together.

Eclipse Moon in your eighth house—Other peoples resources are an important theme. Maybe your tax return will be less than expected, or that insurance settlement doesn’t pan out. In any case, there is little you can or should do yourself. Hire a lawyer and let him and the other guy hash it out. It will be worth the money. Don’t be stubborn when it comes settlement time. As far as eighth house sex goes, you’ll find that you aren’t quite ready to share your feelings.

Eclipse Moon in your ninth house—You have romantic dreams of getting away, heck even running away from it all. To do that you’d have to leave a whole bunch of people behind which would be horribly irresponsible, wouldn’t it? Whatever you do, you need to carve a little time for some daydreaming and to expand your mind.

Eclipse Moon in your tenth house-Work and home issues battle for your attention. Yes, you will be stretched, and no you can’t do everything yourself. Trying to do so will only land you in the hospital and sooner than you think. To manage the next six months, marshal your forces, hire some help with the house, and roll with the punches.

Eclipse Moon in your eleventh house—A wealth of people bop in and out of your life at quite unexpected times. Think of this time when you , by process of elimination, come to know what it is you expect from your friends and associates. You will learn who you can trust and you can’t.

Eclipse Moon in your twelfth house—You sense undercurrents that other people do not. You perceive deception that other people tell you is all in your head. Hello! This is how people with natural psychic gifts live everyday. Maybe this is just a short period of heightened perception but if you are open to it, it will open new worlds of understanding about how the Universe works.

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