September Monthly Forecast: Pay No Attention to Man Behind the Curtain

sunplanetsm1Two sets of aspect structures are significant this month. One is our old friend the Saturn/Uranus opposition, where old structures are challenged to the foundations. For this past year, we’ve all felt the effects of shifting economic conditions that have overturned our way of life. Now a third player, powerful Pluto in Capricorn, forces his way into the mix, challenging both Saturn and Uranus. “We’re going to play things my way, boys!” says Pluto, as he takes control of the field. This is heady stuff, too much for most of us, so the other aspect structure, Venus in Leo opposite Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius grabs our attention. Here the drama queens and divas take control, diverting the public from the back room deals Pluto hammers out. Money makes the world go around, as the song goes, and the drama queens and divas want their share. Pay up and watch the show, America! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. He doesn’t want you to see what he is really up to.
buttonariesThe only really interesting thing this month is your love life, which is pretty much what you care about anyway. Someone bright and shiny catches your eye, and he or she thinks you’re pretty interesting too. The rest of your life however is muck, where you have to tackle boring things like duties and responsibilities and letters from lawyers, not exactly the sort of thing that you want to show off to a new playmate. Pity.
taurus-buttomThere is an opportunity to work with some creative types, which could lead to some some growth potential in your field of endeavor. However, their preoccupation with themselves and their desire to do as little work as possible does leave you feeling slightly used and abused. Though it may not be immediately apparent, your efforts will be recognized, so put forward your best smile and act like everything is going according to plan. Eventually it will.
gemini-buttonGetting your act together is difficult when you are busy chasing rainbows. Gem, we love you, but this month calls for paying attention to details, not exactly your strong suit. Tackle your to do list first and your sweetie later, and things will work out much better all the way around.
cancer-button1Spurred into action by Mars in your sign, an over riding sense of destiny overtakes you. Now is the time to explore your untapped potential. However, as much as you believe in yourself, don’t go overboard in financing your dream. Expend your effort rather than your rather thin resources.
buttonleoOne question you have is “who are these women and why do they think they own my money? The other question is “Is anyone going to pay any attention to me?” Well, dear Leo, the scoop is that your considerable gang of friends have to work to pay the rent, and they don’t have much time right now to pay court to you. Be cheery and helpful rather than resentful. They will appreciate you all the more.
buttonvirgo1You get yourself into a more than a few difficulties by failing to recognize small annoyances as the big problems that they are. Fortunately for you, some powerful women in your life can help you get out of a jam, if you let them! You don’t have to fix everything yourself, and it’s not a reflection on you if you need to get by with a little help from your friends.
buttonlibraLibra you are the luckiest of all of us this month as you have the power to make your dreams come true through your many social connections. If there was ever a time for you to lay the groundwork for some grand scheme this would be it. Just wait until September 29 when Mercury goes direct and the sun is in your sign to put your ideas in play.
buttonscorpioYou can handle this month’s challenges well by keeping your focus on the things that will be your long term security. Home, family, and nurturing relationships are especially important this month as you come to realize how much you depend on this things. Allow them to be your inner compass.
buttonsagittariusOther people’s ideas of how things should be drive your actions this month. You do like to keep people happy, though inside you know you must please yourself as well. How to reconcile the two will be your challenge this month.
buttoncapricornA knee jerk reaction that you intend to protect your position may backfire. This is why you don’t act quickly to begin with. Go back to the drawing board and rethink your plan of action. Listen to the advice of your friends before you make a big change.
buttonaquariusSometimes it is a curse to be so talented. No one seems to be able to do without you. And yet at the same time It seems that no matter how hard you work either you or other people are not satisfied with the results. Alternating from extreme stress to extreme boredom doesn’t help either. If you think that your talents would be better appreciated elsewhere, then there is an opportunity for drastic change, though it may be a situation of “out of the frying pan into the fire.” It’s up to you to choose.
buttonpiscesThe forces of evil, (i.e. order, hygiene and organization) pits itself against your innate goodness (i.e. why care about such mundane things, I’m meditating) forcing you stare down your enemy. Yes, Pisces, when are you going to realize that sometimes you are going to have embrace the darkness to find the light? Will you please clean up after yourself!!!

If you would like a question answered on these pages send your birth date, birth place and birth time along with your question to Sorry, time constraints prevent me from doing readings on anything other than a single question.

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3 Responses to September Monthly Forecast: Pay No Attention to Man Behind the Curtain

  1. susan122455 says:

    Hi Beth,

    I’ve been your fan for sometime now, excellent work (and funny too!)
    My stats are as follows: DOB: 12-24-1955 in Guantanamo, Cuba born at 2:20 AM. I’ve had Pluto affecting me now for years…first in Scorpio (my ascendant) now in Capricorn, my natal house, so my question to you is, what should i expect this time around? sometimes it feels perfect, other times, i feel the world is crumbling around me…the changes are, to put it mildly, formidable…Thanks for you time, and I truly enjoy your work…Susan

    • Beth Turnage says:


      Thank you so much! A question like yours deserves a little time, so give me a day or two to look at the chart and give it a good think. I’ll post a reply soon, promise!

  2. susan122455 says:

    Thanks Beth, lol, I know…and I truly appreciate your response. Have a wonderful day…….S

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